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In my opinion:

You are on the I BELIEVE In... Forum now.

You are on theI BELIEVE In... Forum now.

In less than 2 years, over 500 innocent children was brutally murdered in Ukraine. How many children killed every year around the world in Africa, Asia, America? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Its nothing to do with God. I think it's all of us! Some of us, "humans", commit, intentionally or not,  such a horrible things. Rest of us let it happened. We ALL go to H...

Manny Greenspan. New York

All we need to do is simply protect every human child regardless. Like my father did. And so many parents do. Do what you can and don't pass responsibility on somebody else. And help others. And don't blame God.

Timothy Murphy.

Its a stupid question! God would never permit to harm any innocent child! Its all ruthless, shameless people without soul. Mostly they do it by accident but it doesn't change anything! They have to know that what they do may harm the innocents. They all will go to HELL!

Francine Szaliki. Ohio 

I don't believe in God. May be I am wrong. I don't know. But so many religions claim they know the truth. And they fight, and sometimes killing each other in the name of God. Is it right? Why God doesn't punish murderers? I think its up to all of us. 

Mark Berezin. Connecticut 

Wait a minute! Why should I feel guilty? Those who suppose to protect and didn't protect children are guilty. Unless it's accident. And I think all children who died will go to Heaven. They simply didn't have time to commit enough sins.

Mallisa Cooper. New York

Here is what I think:


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Say whatever it is in your mind! WHATEVER!

Question of the day:

Why God "permits" to kill children? Are they in Heaven?

Choose any subject: God to forgive me, Love, End of the World is coming, My Destany, I believe in me... etc., etc.